


Awakening in Wholeness is a natural lifelong process. It leads through personal growth, traditional stages of awakening such as conscious witness awakening, embodied feeling witness awakening, and embodied non-dual awakening, and continues endlessly from there in divinely human unfoldment and integration.”
– Rod Taylor


Personal growth, awakening in consciousness, embodied whole being awakening, and growing in wholeness and love are available to those who are drawn to it – now. Attention to personal growth is valuable and supported here, and can go on continuously for the rest of your life. However, it is possible to awaken to your full nature – now. This is a perfect time to open to your natural potential for personal unfoldment and conscious embodied awakening – not by working to develop your human perfection, but by awakening to the perfection of your life and all of life – as it is.


Rod Taylor, M.Ad.Ed., is a Human Development Teacher who helps people to awaken and grow in wholeness:

Awakening:  Teacher of Trillium Awakening programs and services
A path of attention and support to realize self as Consciousness, Embodied Consciousness, and Heart.

Qi Energy:    Teacher of Pangu Shengong Qigong
A method of connecting and embodying universal energy to support health, inner balance, and well being.

Evolution:      Teacher of Whole Being Evolution Path
An approach for realizing, integrating, and living advancing stages of Whole Being Evolution


These approaches, together with Rod’s other training and experience, provide unique perspectives, skills, and transmission for supporting individuals to unfold in harmony with their needs, life path, and personal circumstances. Support on your path can make all the difference for awakening in Wholeness and living in Wellness and Love.

Rod works with people from all kinds of backgrounds. He has supported those without any previous spiritual orientation, spiritual seekers who have followed or are following a variety of different traditions, as well as individuals who have already awakened. He listens to what you bring up according to your own needs and works with you at your own speed. There is no need to be different than you are as you meet together.

The support Rod offers allows you to unfold at your own pace toward experiencing realization of Consciousness, Conscious Embodiment, and Non-Separate Interconnectedness, and to further clarify, integrate and evolve in awakened life.


Rod’s Services

  • transmission of an embodied awakened condition
  • being with you in presence and love
  • awakened support and companionship on your journey
  • provision of knowledge of the awakening process
  • guidance through your real life personal issues
  • introduction to practices for opening to consciousness and wellness
  • coaching for continuing unfoldment and integration in awakened life

This support is offered from the perspective of deep respect for your current state of being and your unique path of growing and awakening within the natural circumstances of your own life.

To get started, contact Rod to see what aspects of his service would be helpful to you:



Interview with Rod Taylor, by MysticMag Blog, on: 

~ Whole Being Evolution ~


Book by Rod Taylor:

~ New Principles of Awakened Relationship ~



Events:   http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rod-Taylor-Awakening-In-Wholeness

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